Monday 21 August 2017

When a Taurus met a Gemini.

It all started with a simple "eh Abu".

And maybe it is too early to talk about this.

And because we may never be sure of anything

And I know that Allah will always be the best planner.

But I am too grateful at this moment.

For every single "good morning" and every dududu at night.

For every smile that he wears whenever our eyes met each other.

For every road trip that he took to come and see me.

For every time he managed to call me despite his hectic schedule.

For every helai janggut that he adorned with.

For that I am in love.
And feelings do change.
But I will be living in the present.
For that I am blessed.

Thank You Jaikal.
You know I meant you My Apeni.